ISSN-e: 2992-8087

About the Journal

Enseñanza y Comunicación de las Geociencias is an open access, biannual, electronic journal published by the Instituto de Geociencias of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and approved by the Education Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences (COGE/IUGS).

This journal is intended for teachers and the general public. The Teaching Section will be for teachers interested in teaching any subject related to Earth sciences, from pre-school to postgraduate level. The Communication Section will also be for people interested in learning about and better understanding natural phenomena that occur in our environment, on a global or local scale.

Original articles will be published in Spanish on online teaching resources and material for scientific dissemination and popularisation. Manuscripts showing classroom, laboratory or field experiences, and other resources that favour the teaching-learning process on concepts that, due to their complexity, were not part of their teacher training, will be welcome. In particular, preference will be given to articles that invite students to carry out experiments, or a practical demonstration where a concept related to Earth sciences is demonstrated. The use of didactic resources in which transversality and interdisciplinarity are present will also be encouraged. Digital technologies may be used to help transmit information at a distance. 

The table of contents of each issue will list the topics and the school level to which each article is recommended to encourage the interest of teachers and the general public.

Articles will also be included to increase interest in geoscience in society, such as notes to explain recent geological, atmospheric and hydrological events; or articles on various aspects of geoscience, such as the environment, biodiversity and sustainability.

The papers received will be subject to peer review. They will be distributed in PDF format with links to digital resources.