ISSN-e: 2992-8087
¿El agua de lluvia sin tratar es apta para su consumo?
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Climate change
heavy metals

How to Cite

García-Martínez, R., Calvo-Ramos, D., Muñoz-Torres, C., Carrillo-Chávez, A., Hernández-Solís, J., & López-Carrasco, M. (2024). ¿El agua de lluvia sin tratar es apta para su consumo?. Enseñanza Y Comunicación De Las Geociencias, 3(1), 10–14. Retrieved from


Water scarcity threatens the development, quality of life, and health of the inhabitants of this world. The phenomenon of climate change has exponentially accelerated the problem of prolonged droughts, shorter periods of rain, or intense rains. The need to capture rain and use it for consumption increases pressure on countries to implement more sustainable and innovative practices. The general objective of this work was to characterize the chemical composition of rainwater collected in the period 2015- 2019 at the UNAM Atmospheric Observatory (Ciudad Universitaria UNAM, Mexico City) and Altzomoni Atmospheric Observatory (Izta-Popo National Park, State of Mexico), belonging to the University Network of Atmospheric Observatories (RUOA) of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change. The concentration of heavy metals (Al, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and V) was determined. The enrichment factor (EF) was calculated using chemical analysis of the metal/Al and ion/Ca ratio as a reference value, obtained from the weighted average concentration. The high EF suggested that in general, metals have an anthropogenic origin linked to land use change and indiscriminate deforestation of forested sites adjacent to the study sites. The Al, Cd, Fe, Pb, and V concentrations were consistent with an important anthropogenic contribution, due to possible transport from Mexico City and the intrinsic contribution of each sampling site. To the above, it must be added that, in mountainous regions, there are considerable variations in the direction of the winds over relatively small distances. The study of the persistence, presence and permanence of heavy metals in the study of rainwater is necessary to  promote current and future projects in the treatment and use of rainwater.

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