Coal is defined as a sedimentary rock of organic origin formed by the deposition of plant debris and clayey sediments that have undergone a diagenetic process. The main factors that control the formation of coal during diagenesis are: 1) accumulation of organic matter and sediments, 2) subsidence, 3) water column, 4) increase in pressure and temperature through geologic time.
Coal is constituted by organic matter derived from higher terrestrial plants (type III kerogen) that during the diagenetic process gives rise to condensed polyaromatic compounds and oxygenated functional groups, with low proportions of aliphatic chains, in addition to a low H/C atomic ratio (<1), resulting in a moderate oil producing potential and abundant amounts of gas at greater depths, also exhibiting an O/C atomic ratio (0.05 - 0.40) that is comparatively higher than other kerogens (e.g., I and II). Type III kerogen, represented by humic organic material of continental and coastal origin, is composed primarily of higher plants and all types of wood, and contains high concentrations of celluloses, lignin, carboxyl group acids, heteroatomic ketones, and a smaller proportion of aliphatic and alicyclic compounds. The depositional environment of this type of material is related to lagoons, deltas, and mangroves. In the early stages of maturity of type III kerogen, a greater amount of gas than oil is commonly developed, however, the latter is predominantly paraffinic, naphthenic, aromatic, and even contains waxes. This kerogen can also form strong carbon layers. Hence the importance of discussing the significant relationship between coal and the hydrocarbons formed from it.
The information presented in the manuscript is expected to help teachers, students and future professionals understand the fundamentals, composition and processes that occur for the formation of hydrocarbons in coal in order to apply the necessary knowledge in the development of geological and geochemical characterization and interpretation.
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