ISSN-e: 2992-8087
Detección de las frecuencias del léxico de un texto científico con la aplicación web LEX-A para apoyar el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras
PDF (Español (España))


Earth Sciences
science dissemination
reading comprehension
web app

How to Cite

Hernández-Pérez, Y. A., Alaniz-Álvarez, S. A., Martínez-Troncoso, J. C., Martini, M., & Esparza-Herrera, A. D. (2023). Detección de las frecuencias del léxico de un texto científico con la aplicación web LEX-A para apoyar el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Enseñanza Y Comunicación De Las Geociencias, 2(1), 28–31. Retrieved from


A list of Italian-Spanish vocabulary is presented with the most recurrent lexical items (words) in a science dissemination text written on Earth Sciences in a foreign language. The list was created on the basis of the results of the LEX-A lexical analyzer (Martínez and Hernández, 2020), which is the web app under construction. The creation of the list is addressed in three stages, as well as the pilot application treatment with a group of students of Italian as a foreign language with A1 level. The final version of the vocabulary list was validated by a native Italian-speaking geoscientist. The list was created as a tool to facilitate the reading comprehension of the basic text used in an elementary Earth Sciences course aimed at teachers and students from different areas of knowledge, with A1 level of Italian.

PDF (Español (España))


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