ISSN-e: 2992-8087
Una práctica educativa para abordar el tema de la sequía en Chile
PDF (Español (España))


earth sciences

How to Cite

Jaime Muñoz, E. A. (2024). Una práctica educativa para abordar el tema de la sequía en Chile. Enseñanza Y Comunicación De Las Geociencias, 1(1), 8–12. Retrieved from


A case study related to drought as an educational topic is presented, which allows understanding the climatic characteristics that occur in the town of Pedregal, in the commune of Monte Patria, Limari province, Coquimbo region, Chile. Methodologically, an educational script was developed to show students how drought has been impacting subsistence agriculture in the study area. A table containing the rainfall in the area was prepared, and educational field activities were proposed to be carried out with the students of the village school. The students were asked to fill out cards with climatic data to show that this methodology allows generating educational strategies to encourage the development of Earth science education in rural contexts that are being affected by drought.

PDF (Español (España))


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