ISSN-e: 2992-8087
Retención de CO2 por mineralización en rocas. Una propuesta de preparación y análisis de muestras en el laboratorio
PDF (Español (España))


mineralization of CO2
geological storage
igneous rocks
global warming

How to Cite

Almazán-Mendoza, J. H., Gómora-Figueroa, A. P., Mori, L., & González-Torres, E. A. (2023). Retención de CO2 por mineralización en rocas. Una propuesta de preparación y análisis de muestras en el laboratorio . Enseñanza Y Comunicación De Las Geociencias, 2(1), 43–51. Retrieved from


The present work sets a lab proposal for evaluating and selecting among different igneous rocks samples, using geochemical and petrographic analysis, the best candidates for aqueous CO2 exposure. This work aims to guide students (B.S. and Graduates) interested in practical techniques employed for evaluating carbon dioxide storage through geochemical analysis in the lab. The designed protocols were validated by B.S. and graduate students in the Petroleum Engineering Department at UNAM, to identify of some critical parameters for CO2 mineralization in igneous rocks and olivine, which is a common mineral present in mafic igneous rocks, and it has been reported as one of the best prospects for carbon dioxide mineralization.

The rock samples were exposed to CO2 dissolved in water at a pressure range of 5860 - 6550 kPa and a temperature range of 20 to 25 °C. We used infrared spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to confirm the CO2 mineralization. After exposing the olivine to CO2 for 21 to 60 days, we observed the formation of bicarbonates and carbonates, respectively. For the igneous rocks, we identified bicarbonates after 30 days of exposure and the liberation of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe3+ ions in water, which are critical for carbonate formation.

Although the CO2 mineralization in these rocks has been reported previously it is necessary to continue investigating this topic to enrich the database with the ideal samples and broaden the knowledge about the igneous rocks’ capacity for CO2 storage. This type of experience is relevant for graduate and B.S. students majoring in Earth Sciences and areas alike. Also, it helps to fulfill the education in topics related to global warming, CO2 emissions mitigation, and energy transition.

PDF (Español (España))


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