ISSN-e: 2992-8087
Excursiones geológicas virtuales: una herramienta para la docencia y la difusión de la geología de México. Ejemplo transecto Durango-Mazatlán
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Virtual geological field trip
Sierra Madre Occidental
Durango-Mazatlan Highway
Geology of Mexico

How to Cite

González-Torres, E., Ferrari, L., Macías-Medrano, S., & Mancera-Alejándrez, J. (2023). Excursiones geológicas virtuales: una herramienta para la docencia y la difusión de la geología de México. Ejemplo transecto Durango-Mazatlán. Enseñanza Y Comunicación De Las Geociencias, 2(1), 52–59. Retrieved from


The Virtual Geological Field Trips (VGFT) constitute a resource for teaching and spreading of the knowledge of Mexico’s Geology. It is a complement for the classroom and for students’ learning. The VGFT have several advantages, among which stand out the presentation of data and images in several scales and perspectives almost simultaneously, their permanence in the digital media that make it possible for students to consult them repeatedly. They also allow to overcome various limitations of face-to-face visits, such as the scarcity of economic resources necessary for their realization, the limited number of people who can participate, the lack of security that is registered in some regions of the country, and restrictions like that of the COVID-19 pandemics. This work seeks to share the central aspects of the methodology used for the realization of the VGFTs, which is the result of the experience obtained during this project’s development. The example of the VGFT that is presented was carried out along the Durango-Mazatlan highway, which constitutes a classic transect of the Sierra Madre Occidental central sector’s geology, where some of the most relevant stratigraphic and tectonic features of the region can be observed.

PDF (Español (España))


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