ISSN-e: 2992-8087
La enseñanza de las placas tectónicas con experimentos de densidad
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Archimedes principle
plate tectonic

How to Cite

Jiménez-Zuñiga, V. Y. (2022). La enseñanza de las placas tectónicas con experimentos de densidad. Enseñanza Y Comunicación De Las Geociencias, 1(1), 32–34. Retrieved from


The present work shows the results of an intervention experience of the subject of Geography for the fourth grade of high school. It is a methodological proposal based on the  implementation of scientific experimentation through collaborative work. It was carried out at the Queen Mary School and the objective was to apply scientific experimentation as a teaching-learning strategy to improve the understanding of the topic of tectonic plates. It begins with the application of the previous knowledge recovery instrument in order to know the conceptual knowledge that students have regarding the concept of density of tectonic plates, the heart of the didactic sequence is the development of an experiment on density, promoting collaborative or individual work. At the end, the students answered the final evaluation instrument. With the data obtained before, during, and after the intervention, these results are compared and it is shown that scientific experimentation improves the understanding of the conceptual knowledge of density.


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