ISSN-e: 2992-8087
Construcción y análisis de diagramas Stiff-Davis para alumnos de Ingeniería Petrolera, experiencia en el aula
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Analysis of produced and injected water
compositional water analysis in the oil and gas industry
water geochemistry
Stiff-Davis diagram
Petroleum engineering

How to Cite

Gómora-Figueroa, A. P., Villegas González, J., & Almazán Mendoza, J. (2022). Construcción y análisis de diagramas Stiff-Davis para alumnos de Ingeniería Petrolera, experiencia en el aula. Enseñanza Y Comunicación De Las Geociencias, 1(2), 13–19. Retrieved from


This work aims to show the importance of the Stiff-Davis diagrams for petroleum engineers. These diagrams are graphic representations built using eight ions determined in the water analysis. The Stiff- Davis diagrams help us know and anticipate potential flow assurance problems and other risks that may be present during hydrocarbon production. However, most petroleum engineering students need to gain experience with these diagrams, although water is a non-desired byproduct during hydrocarbon extraction. In this paper, we report two activities with 25 senior students, which consisted of constructing and interpreting Stiff-Davis diagrams. The students built such diagrams using the resources available (e.g., an Excel spreadsheet or a piece of paper). Once the students developed these activities, they showed more curiosity to learn the analysis application. However, it is necessary to practice the construction and interpretation with more exercises since there are obvious doubts about identifying some of the diagram components, hampering the understanding of these  diagrams.

PDF (Español (España))


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