The environmental dynamics of lakes are in constant evolution because they are subject to the influence of external agents, which can be regional, such as the climate, or local, such as human activities. "Lacustrine ontogeny" refers to the process of transformation of a lake that manifests itself as changes in the trophic state or the transition to another type of ecosystem. In the Yucatan Peninsula, sea level rise, regional changes in the water cycle, and the long human occupation have been forcing mechanisms in the evolution of lacustrine systems during the last 10 000 years. The southeast of Mexico serves as a natural laboratory to address the evolution of lacustrine systems (aguadas, cenotes, coastal lagoons) due to natural and/or anthropogenic causes. A video was made to explain the "lacustrine ontogeny" and the causes that lead to changes in the lakes. The aim is to transmit to a general public the basic concepts of the origin, formation, functioning and social importance that surround these aquatic systems.
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