ISSN-e: 2992-8087
Modelos simples de crecimiento poblacional desde la perspectiva de flujos-reservorios en la plataforma Stella como herramienta para visualizar elementos que regulan los sistemas dinámicos
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pedagogic formation

How to Cite

Medina-Gómez, I. (2024). Modelos simples de crecimiento poblacional desde la perspectiva de flujos-reservorios en la plataforma Stella como herramienta para visualizar elementos que regulan los sistemas dinámicos. Enseñanza Y Comunicación De Las Geociencias, 3(1), 34–41. Retrieved from


Classic growth models in biology were developed to provide a conceptual framework for critical assessment of wild populations’ changes. By leveraging this body of knowledge, it is intended to understand current trends in human population development, very often at the expense of an increasing severity in the ecosystem’s disturbance regime. Such a dynamic modeling approach will enhance our capability to solve sustainability issues ubiquitously experienced in today’s cities and along the rural/urban interface. This paper focuses on offering the students with flexible analytical tools, contributing to their overall pedagogical formation and encouraging them to be at the forefront of discussion panels tackling current challenges regarding growth limits and untenable expansion schemes. Such an informed background improves the cities inhabitants’ ability to engage in an assertive and impactful participation to overcome resource depletion in the face of climate change, while paying attention to key local-scale processes

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